Why I'm Running for Congress
I graduated from George Washington High School. After several years working with my church in New York City, I returned home to become a community activist.
Since coming back, I’ve witnessed the decline of our beloved Denver. Uncontrolled crime, rampant homelessness, and growing inflation has made Denver a prime example of America's struggles.
I’m not a millionaire, I don’t have a fancy degree, and I’m not a career politician. So why should you vote for me? Because Denver needs someone who truly represents its community. Your Congressional Representative should be someone who shares your experiences and hardships.
The founders believed our Congressional Representatives should live in the communities they advocated for. That they should shop in our stores, walk on our streets, and be a familiar presence in our daily lives. Our Congressional Representatives were supposed to be a familiar fixture in our communities, not a celebrity.
As a proud District 1 resident, I know the struggle to make ends meet. Federal, state, and local taxes are overwhelming, and savings are becoming impossible. If I managed my finances like Congress manages the budget, my credit would be ruined. Why do we accept less for our country’s future?
No, I’m not a millionaire. I don’t have a fancy degree. I’m a working person, and I’ll always be a working person. My years as a political activist have shown me that neither party truly helps the working American. Maybe it’s because we keep electing millionaire politicians who don’t understand our struggles.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. It’s time to stop voting for partisan politics and start voting for genuine representation.
I’ve proven that I won’t stand with the Republican Party when they are wrong. Can our current Democrat Representative say the same?
Let’s do something different in Washington.
It’s time for new representation and, together, we will rebuild our future for generations to come.
A Little More About Me
I am proud to be gay. My sexual preference is not a box I check to earn diversity points during PRIDE month. This is my life, every single day. When the Chair of the Colorado Republican Party sent an anti-LGBTQ+ email with a video referencing a virulently anti-gay religious organization and called for the burning of pride flags, I publicly rejected the state party’s endorsement and fought for the Gay community.
I’m proud to be a member of the Shoshone Indian Tribe. The Shoshone Nation consists of several distinct groups, each with its own language, culture, and lifestyle. Shoshone people are known for our deep connection to the land and a strong sense of community. American soil is sacred to me, not only because I’m an American but because I’m Shoshone. Our profound connection to our ancestral lands drives me to protect it.
I’m proud to be a Hispanic-American. Like my indigenous roots, my Hispanic heritage has shaped who I am, enabling me to represent our District in Congress. I recognize that District 1 has its struggles, but there is also uniqueness, beauty, and strength in our multicultural community.
Many in Congress seem unable to grasp what the American taxpayer truly needs. They’ve lost sight of our struggles, failing to realize that for many of us, $100 can make a huge difference.
I’m a blue-collar worker. I struggle day-to-day to pay my mortgage, feed my pets, and pay my taxes. Can we talk about taxes? I don’t mind paying taxes if I were getting something in return, but that’s not the case. Government spending is out of control, and I’m being taxed to pay interest on money spent on frivolous programs. Like many Americans, I’m only a handful of paychecks away from losing my home and everything I’ve built. And it’s not because I’m lazy; it’s because my government representatives aren’t paying attention to how their actions are affecting working people like me.
My roots go deep—not just in Denver, but in the land of my ancestors. I have an obligation to protect it, to nurture and safeguard it for future generations. Diversity is not just a talking point for me; it is my life, my heritage, and my commitment to our community. Together, let’s build a future that honors all of our stories and ensures that every voice is heard and respected.
Contact Me!
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me and my journey. Whether you’re here because we share common ground or you’re simply curious, I appreciate your interest.
I believe that real change happens when we come together—across political aisles, backgrounds, and beliefs—to build a stronger, more vibrant community. No matter where you stand politically, I want to hear from you. Your thoughts, concerns, and ideas matter to me because we're all in this together.
Let's work side by side to create a future where every voice is heard and respected. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work for all of us. Feel free to reach out anytime—I’m here to listen and to serve.
Looking forward to connecting with you soon!